Monday 28 September 2009

Chapter 9: Indie Rock Fashion

When I was evaluating the original music video for Sweet Disposition, I noticed that the bands unique fashion sense was very similar to Indie fashion, yet with their own twist. The use of the hats and the jackets created a very unique indie fashion style and so I wanted to do some slight research on Indie and the fashion that follows with it. As you can see with the images on the right, the style for this genre mainly consists of the following;
  • Large logo'd t-shirts
  • Skinny jeans
  • Checkered shirts
  • Floral patterns
  • Unusually shaped dresses
These are just a few of the many different key parts to Indie fashion. Bright colours and floral patterns are the two main factors of this style.
After looking on several Indie fashion websites i have found two that show just what the style includes. These two online shops show us what Indie fashion really is and what I will be aiming for in my video.
When it came to research the style of the band I began by looking at images that show the band in different atmospheres to create an overall image of their dress sense. In the first image we see that there are the obvious features of the Indie Rock fashion style; the logo'd t-shirt and the checkered shirt are two of the main aspects of this certain style.
In the second image we find another main aspect of Indie rock style, the bad member on the far left is wearing a logo'd t-shirt and a brightly coloured cardigan. This member alone supports the portrayal of the Indie style. The main singer, who is centered in the center of the shot is wearing a red checkered shirt which also adds to the portrayal of this style also. The other two members of the band that are positioned in the right of the shot are more casual compared to the other two members, yet have their own aspects of the Indie style, the member positioned on the far right is wearing a denim jacket while the member on the center right has the hairstyle aspect of the Indie style.

Many other aspects of this fashion style include hair, make up and accessories. When it comes to hair, the indie generation have very natural and rough looking styles. As we see on the image on the right, this model has very long wavy and slightly messy styled hair. This is a typical hairstyle that we see in the Indie world. Women go for either long hair or extremely short hair. As my video will only have females I only did my research on female fashion in the Indie world. The female on the right is an ideal candidate for one of my characters for the final music video.

1 comment:

Dr C said...

How do these fit the image/persona of the band at the moment? What research of the band's image have you done?