Tuesday 27 October 2009

Chapter 15: Shooting Schedule

Above is a very brief guideline on what I will be aiming for each week. I am hoping that the the filming may only take one week but i have spread it out to two weeks just incase it takes longer to film certain scenes, (as some of my scenes depend on the weather). I aim to edit my music video through the duration of two weeks, ( depending on how long the filming takes, so it may turn out to be three). I will need to have the basic layout of the music video before I add the graphics and special effects. After completing the final music video I will then need to introduce my final designs for the Digipak and the Magazine Advert. Once these are all up the blog I will then evaluate and get feedback from fellow students and teachers from the college before touching up on any other blog entries that may need tweaking. I aim to get this all done by the second week in December and so I am rapidly working towards this aim.


Dr C said...

Oops - you need to re-visit this as you are still editing 2 weeks after the deadline!!

Dr C said...

This shooting schedule remains thin - I know you had a clearer plan than this as to what exactly you would film - and when. Where is it?